
Devil May Cry HD

15 November, 2011 - 11:43 pm by
About 1 mins to read

CAPCOM have confirmed that Devil May Cry 1,2 & 3 will be coming to the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 as a complete collection remastered in high definition. It has been 10 years since the original game on the PlayStation 2 showcased the half human, half demon Dante to the world. Since then he hasn’t stopped saving the world from evil puppets, fire spiders and a countless number of demented birds.

The games will feature on one disc and will have the standard trophy/achievement support and is expected to launch a head of the fifth title in the series – DmC next year. Fans of the Devil May Cry series should keep an eye on VGamingNews for further information on a release date.

For now, enjoy the screenshots below which have visible comparisons between the original and HD versions of the game.