
Max Payne 3 Downloadable Content detailed

1 May, 2012 - 4:49 pm by
About 1 mins to read

Rockstar have today confirmed that there will be 7, yes Seven pieces of DLC for their next instalment of the Max Payne series. Fear not though, a season pass will be available on the Xbox Live Marketplace AND PlayStation Network when the game launches on 17th May.

All the content centres around the multiplayer modes and the first batch will be available from June. First up we have the Police Precinct map. In summer we will be treated to the Disorganised Crime & Hostage Negotiation map packs as well as Deathmatch Made In Heaven mode & New York Minute Co-Op pack. Towards the end of the year there will be Painful Memories & Trickle Down Economies maps to round off the set.

The season will cost 2400 Microsoft points or approximately £20 on the PSN when Max Payne 3 is released on 17th May.