Latest Skullgirls Trailer
Skullgirls, a new 2D fighter coming to PlayStation 3 & Xbox 360 has finally had the lid lifted on the story mode. The trailer provides a glimpse of the seven announced playable characters and elements of how they fit into the game’s backstory, Autumn Games have confirmed today.
Skullgirls is vast and full of colourful personas, well beyond the eight playable female warriors. Additional friends and foes will show up throughout the playable characters’ stories, which are told with a series of short vignettes, showcasing more than 200 pieces of unique art and new music.
This comic book come fighter will also feature an Arcade Mode, Practise mode and online options to battle through. Skullgirls will be available to download from the PlayStation Network and Xbox 360 Live Marketplace at some point this year.