Max Payne 3 Multiplayer Details
Payne Killer, the game’s take of King of the Hill, is a good example of how it tries to forge relationships. Designed as the natural successor to Max Payne 2’s Dead Man Walking mode, it centres on Max and his partner Passos as they fight to stay alive for as long as possible. Two players will randomly start the match as Max and Passos, while everyone else attempts to take them out. All the other players are, essentially, on one big team, hunting down the pair. To make things fair, Max and Passos are equipped with special abilities and powerful load-outs. Points are gained by injuring or killing Max and Passos, or by killing any of the attacking team. The player with the most points wins. Simple.

But all alliances are ultimately ephemeral, with allies being turned upon one another in an instant. “What we really enjoyed about multiplayer games is the relationship you have with other players when you’re playing,” says Bewsher. Like Gang Wars, the game’s flagship multiplayer mode, it’s all about forging intimate rivalries and breaking them, creating the familiar drama that would emerge naturally sat next to friends, huddled around a console.

So far, it’s promising to be one of the most engaging online shooters around. I’m already feeling a little less lonely.
Max Payne 3 will be available on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on May 18th.