Konami have today announced the next game in the popular PES series. The game is due out in the Autumn on all the home consoles, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii. A PSP and oddly enough a PlayStation 2 version will be available as well. Konami have been working closely with fans of the series to provide the most real and entertaining entry in the series to date.PES 2012 has had an overhaul in the AI department, which means that team players respond and work together more to create the successful team partnerships and more importantly the experience for the gamer. Features such as the team supporting the player as he runs the ball, useful dummy runs to lure defenders from the action and more support in the one-on-one situations, all pull together the most realistic football experience on a console.
Attacking isn’t the only part gaining a makeover for PES 2012. The defenders now rely on their strength and stature to force a player from the ball. Tighter, more accurate collisions see players tumbling dependent on how they are knocked off the ball. Crucially, control is not lost, allowing the stumbling player to be brought directly back under control.
There are only a few screenshots at the moment, as soon as more become available then we will have them for you.