
Posts Tagged “Dsi”

Calculator Released on the Nintendo DS

27 May, 2011 by

Cinemax today announced that they will be releasing a new piece of software for the Nintendo DSiWare, “Calculator”. Calculator is available on the DSi for 200 DSi Points and will handle every type of calculation you can throw at it, including measurement units and constants of most types which ordinary people use every day, including length, weight, temperature, speed, volume, area, and time.

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99 Bullets Coming To The DSi

17 May, 2011 by

The arcade space shooter has been given the go ahead to release on the Nintendo DSi store on 23rd May. In the game, players start with 99 Bullets and 99 lives. Shoot a bullet, lose a life. Lose a life, lose a bullet. The game features over 10 arcade levels where the hero – V99 has to carefully blast through the galaxy in order to stop Black Eye and his evil minions.

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