
Posts Tagged “Gearbox”

Embracer Group Acquires Gearbox Entertainment. Deal Worth Up To $1.3bn. Upfront cost $363 Million

4 February, 2021 by

The Embracer Group, which owns brands such as Koch Media and THQ Nordic have added Borderlands developer Gearbox to their portfolio. The deal has cost $363 Million up front but could be worth around $1.3 Billion, based on target performance over the next 5 years. All 550 staff at Gearbox retain their jobs.

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NEW Aliens: Colonial Marines Info

1 June, 2011 by

A head of next week’s E3 SEGA today have announced a teaser trail for the latest installment of the Alien series of video games – Aliens: Colonial Marines. Set for an Q1/Q2 release next year, the Xbox 360 & PlayStation 3 game will bring all the suspense and horror from the bone chilling films to provide what SEGA claim to be “the definitive Alien gaming experience”. Developed by Gearbox Software (Duke Nukem Forever) and published in line with Twentieth Century Fox this should be the game that does justice to the films. Read On

Duke Nukem Forever Is Ready!

25 May, 2011 by

The Duke has been away for far too long. 15 years in fact have been and gone since we last saw him in action. This was a time when Nintendo still used cartridges for their home consoles and the tally of Sony PlayStation was at 1! It was even a time when SEGA were producing the Saturn.

Finally after 15 long years, Duke Nukem Forever is finished. It’s done, dusted and been given gold status. Gold means it’s off to be printed on either Blu-Ray or DVD disks as we speak. In a statement released 2K games had this to say about the game that – excuse the pun- has taken forever to be played, they say: Read On