Posts Tagged “Live Today”
Gatling Gears Out on the Xbox Live Today
Islands of WAKFU Available on Xbox Live Today
Islands of WAKFU story takes place 10,000 years before DOFUS and the end of the world is nigh, join the last Eliatrope and her dragon brother as they set off on a desperate quest. Together they must find the mysterious Islands of WAKFU and survive the danger threatening the world.
Islands of WAKFU is a beat’em up which features a 2 player multiplayer mode. The two lead characters are linked for better or for worse, so if one of the characters is hit the other will suffer damage as they both share the same health metre.
With 14 levels, 2 difficulty modes, 12 achievements and a hybrid between a beat’em up and a shoot’em up the game is up for sale at 800 Microsoft Points and is available today to download.