
Posts Tagged “Modes”

Gatling Gears Out on the Xbox Live Today

11 May, 2011 by

Vanguard Games and Electronic Arts have today announced that the high-intensity, twin stick shooter: Gatling Gears is now available on the Xbox Live Arcade for 1200 Microsoft Points and will also get a release on the PlayStation Network, when it’s back up and running. The game centres on Max Brawley, who suits up in his Gatling Gear mech to embark on an epic mission through 30 areas to save the planet and defeat the Empire.

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Assassin’s Creed Revelations Announced

6 May, 2011 by

Ubisoft have today confirmed that the hit franchise – Assassin’s Creed is to get a new sequel – Assassin’s Creed Revelations, which is the fourth title to be developed in this hit series. Assassin’s Creed Revelations will be released on the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 in November this year and will be available to play and enjoy at this year’s E3 convention in June.

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Jewel Time Deluxe Announced for the DS

20 April, 2011 by

O Games today announced that they will be releasing Jewel Time Deluxe for the Nintendo DS this summer. Jewel Time Deluxe is a jewel game that’s full of gem swapping, with various modes of play that will keep gamers as entertained as possible. There’s Isolation and Gravity Twist modes, play through the free play mode or against the clock and with an unlimited number of levels and various difficulty settings O Games are setting this up to be a game for all.
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The Fancy Pants Adventures Available Tomorrow

20 April, 2011 by

Electronic Arts today announced that Fancy Pants Adventures will be available on the PlayStation Network and the Xbox Live Arcade on the 21 April 2011. Fancy Pants was originally a flash game that has now been played over 100 million times is a sidescrolling game with a distinctive hand drawn feel.

With all new levels and never seen before modes of play, the console version of the game is very different to that available online. Read On

BlazBlue: Continuum Shift II Info & Screens

18 April, 2011 by

The sequel to the popular 2D fighting game BlazBlue: Coninuum Shift is coming to the PSP & Nintendo 3DS this May. The 21st to be exact. The game features all the original characters from the previous installment plus 3 all new characters available through downloadable content. Read On

Sorcerer’s Lair Dated for Europe

15 April, 2011 by

ZEN Studios today announced that Sorcerer’s Lair, an addition to the ZEN Pinball lineup will be released across Europe on the 27th April 2011 for the PlayStation Network.

Set in an ancient and magical Citadel, the player will assume the role of a brother and sister who find themselves outmatched and out classes by an evil Sorcerer. In order to survive the onslaught on attach, the two will need to learn a whole range of spells that will help them destroy the evil. Read On

Street Fighter x Tekken Details

13 April, 2011 by

Capcom today confirmed further details on their up and coming game, Street Fighter X Tekken, on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

It’s the ultimate match up between two of the leading fighting games ever, Street Fighter and Tekken. With various players from both games, such as Ryu, Ken, Guile, Abel, Chun-Li, Kazuya, Nina, King, Marduk and Bob and that’s not all of them. With real time tag battles, online modes and controls that feel normal and natural.
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Bejeweled Twist Confirmed For April

31 March, 2011 by

It was today announced that the latest line in the Bejeweled franchise for the Nintendo DS – Bejeweled Twist. Already available on the PC and various mobile platforms, the ridiculously addicting game will be made available across the UK on the 1st April 2011 – yes, April fool’s day.

With over 90 challenges across 14 planets, and five different modes of play including a two-player battle mode Bejeweled Twist is set to keep many a fan busy for hours to come.

So that’s a 1st April release on the Nintendo DS, not the 3DS.

Islands of WAKFU Available on Xbox Live Today

30 March, 2011 by

Islands of WAKFU is set to be released for the first time on a console – the Xbox 360 as part of the Xbox Live network.

Islands of WAKFU story takes place 10,000 years before DOFUS and the end of the world is nigh, join the last Eliatrope and her dragon brother as they set off on a desperate quest. Together they must find the mysterious Islands of WAKFU and survive the danger threatening the world.

Islands of WAKFU is a beat’em up which features a 2 player multiplayer mode. The two lead characters are linked for better or for worse, so if one of the characters is hit the other will suffer damage as they both share the same health metre.

With 14 levels, 2 difficulty modes, 12 achievements and a hybrid between a beat’em up and a shoot’em up the game is up for sale at 800 Microsoft Points and is available today to download.