
Posts Tagged “Motion Controller”

Under Siege Dated

19 April, 2011 by

It has today been announced that the title developed exclusively for the PlayStation Network, Under Siege, will be released in the UK on the 27th April 2011 for just £11.99. This real time strategy game is set in a fantasy world where a group of heroes have to fight against a huge invading army.

With a built in editor mode, which allows players to build their own levels and has full support for the DualShock3 controller and the PlayStation Move controller. Read On

Wii Play: Motion News

18 April, 2011 by

Wii Play: Motion is the sequel to the smash hit Wii Play which was released as a launch game back in 2006. The game itself will compromise of 12 minigames making full use of the Wii Motion Plus controller. As with the previous installment this will come bundled with the game. The game will support up to 4 players but they must have either a Wii Remote Plus or the Motion Plus Add-on. Read On

EyePet & Friends Revealed! First Screens Here!

11 April, 2011 by

Sony have announced today that EyePet & Friends is coming to the PS3 this year.  EyePet is a virtual animal who comes alive in your living room using the PlayStation Move motion controller & the PlayStationEye camera.  In this brand new installment two pets can be raised at the same time for double fun!

EyePets are cheeky and fun; always ready to play and often getting into a mischief and won’t leave any “surprises”. Using two Move controllers and the PlayStation camera, two EyePets can play together and with each player on the same screen.

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