
Posts Tagged “Next Game”

Ridge Racer Unbounded Teaser Trailer

26 April, 2011 by

Namco-Bandai have released a very attractive looking trailer for the next game in the Ridge Racer series. Unbounded brings together all the style and finesse people expect from the Ridge Racer title but instead of being confounded to just the track, this title takes players to the next level – to Drive, Destroy, Dominate.

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Backbreaker: Vengeance Announced

14 April, 2011 by

505 Games today announced that Backbreaker: Vengeance, the next game in the Backbreaker franchise will be released on the Xbox Live Arcade in the summer.

According to 505 Games Backbreaker: Vengeance combines the AAA nature of the original game, with the pick-up-and-play nature of the iPhone title to create this new game. Vengeance will feature arcade action, bone crunching tackles and tons of swagger.

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