Posts Tagged “Wii”
Three New Games Announced by EA and Hasbro
Electronic Arts and Hasbro today announced that they will be releasing three new board games becoming videogames this autumn. The three value games take two classic board games that many of us grew up with and one newish videogame that merges together a lot of the kids board games.
UK Top 20 Charts
Tuesday is this week’s Monday – it’s confusing all of us here at VGamingNews as we sat in front of our office computers hoping for the day to end, and fast. Yet, just because Monday is over doesn’t mean that the weekly videogame charts didn’t turn up – they did. This week there’s a lot to look at and predictably a certain game is still on top, with the other trailing well behind.
Pro Evo Soccer 2012 Announced
Konami have today announced the next game in the popular PES series. The game is due out in the Autumn on all the home consoles, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii. A PSP and oddly enough a PlayStation 2 version will be available as well. Konami have been working closely with fans of the series to provide the most real and entertaining entry in the series to date. Read On
Wii to Retail for Under £100
The videogame industry website, MCV UK have been talking to high street insiders about the Wii – with Nintendo announcing a price cut on the Wii just a few days ago there’s plenty of room to debate the new pricing structure for the best selling console.
The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Coming 2011
With all the excitement of Nintendo’s next home console and with Ocarina of Time 3DS just around the corner Nintendo have reaffirmed that The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword should not be written off just yet. While no set date has been given if you head over to, you are able to see that the game will be on UK shores this year.
Nintendo Announce 2010/11 Profits
Nintendo Japan have now announced their end of year profits and it’s a big change to what we’re used to seeing from the company that is used to rolling in cash. The happy image of the DS printing money opitimises Nintendo’s success in the current generation; however, with the vast change in the currency market, the global recession and more recently the rumours of the Wii 2 their overall profits have been hit.
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Nintendo Confirm Wii’s Successor in 2012
After weeks of frantic rumours from all parts of the internet, Nintendo have today confirmed that the Wii’s successor will be made available at E3 this year, which is held between the 7-9 June 2011. A playable demo will be available to all attendees and the system will be launched in 2012 – well before their competitors and with a very small lead time compared to normal home console systems. Read On
Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games News
With the build up to the 2012 Olympics well underway, SEGA have announced the inevitable game tie in with another installment of the hugely successful Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games. As the title suggests it will show off the London games to the world over using two of the most popular videogame franchises in history. Read On
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Trailer
EA and Warner Bros have today announced the final installment of the Harry Potter movie spin offs, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 The Videogame. The game will feature the most epic battle between Harry Potter and He Who Shall Not Be Named. Read On
Wii Play: Motion News
Wii Play: Motion is the sequel to the smash hit Wii Play which was released as a launch game back in 2006. The game itself will compromise of 12 minigames making full use of the Wii Motion Plus controller. As with the previous installment this will come bundled with the game. The game will support up to 4 players but they must have either a Wii Remote Plus or the Motion Plus Add-on. Read On