
Posts Tagged “Teaser Trailer”

NEW Aliens: Colonial Marines Info

1 June, 2011 by

A head of next week’s E3 SEGA today have announced a teaser trail for the latest installment of the Alien series of video games – Aliens: Colonial Marines. Set for an Q1/Q2 release next year, the Xbox 360 & PlayStation 3 game will bring all the suspense and horror from the bone chilling films to provide what SEGA claim to be “the definitive Alien gaming experience”. Developed by Gearbox Software (Duke Nukem Forever) and published in line with Twentieth Century Fox this should be the game that does justice to the films. Read On

Metro: Last Light Announced

31 May, 2011 by

THQ has today announced the sequel to the popular Metro: 2033 entitled Metro: Last Light. This game is due out on Xbox and PS3 in 2012.Set in the haunting, desolate ruins of post-apocalyptic Moscow, one of the most richly detailed and beautifully realised gaming worlds of modern times. Developer 4A Games will deliver a terrifying, atmospheric single-player adventure that fuses thrilling combat with exploration and survival horror to create a unique, memorable experience. Read On

Ocarina of Time 3D UK Advert

28 May, 2011 by

Nintendo UK recently released the high quality version of their official “teaser” trailer, which is easily used in advertising for the up and coming videogame – Ocarina of Time 3D, only for the Nintendo 3DS. This trailer looks brilliant and is a far cry from the recent Wind Waker and Twilight Princess adverts.

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Renegade Ops Screens & Trailer

18 May, 2011 by

SEGA have today released 9 new screenshots and a teaser trailer for the up-and-coming cooperative shoot ’em up Renegade Ops. The game is coming to the PSN and Xbox Arcade this summer and promises to be an action packed, explosive adventure that can be enjoyed in either single or multiplayer modes. Read On

Ridge Racer Unbounded Teaser Trailer

26 April, 2011 by

Namco-Bandai have released a very attractive looking trailer for the next game in the Ridge Racer series. Unbounded brings together all the style and finesse people expect from the Ridge Racer title but instead of being confounded to just the track, this title takes players to the next level – to Drive, Destroy, Dominate.

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Mass Effect 3 Screenshots

26 April, 2011 by

Today, EA and BioWare have released a couple of screenshots to the highly anticipated sequel of last year’s Mass Effect 2. The game won countless awards including the BAFTA for Game of The Year. Mass Effect 3 will see Shepard return once again to save the universe and more importantly Earth from evil alien forces in what promises to be an exciting edition to the RPG series.

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Sonic’s Teaser Trailer Now Live

7 April, 2011 by

SEGA today released their official teaser trailer for their up and coming game, as part of the celebrations of Sonic’s 20th Anniversary.

Judging by the apperance of the trailer, it’s clear that a lot of work has gone into making this game something special. Sonic starts off running through a white landscape, it almost looks like snow, until it becomes apparent that it’s a normal “first zone” type of area, that just lacks colour. Before long something else appears… Classic Sonic. Yes, Sonic of old and the new style Sonic running along side one another.

One thing we can be certain of – it’s not Sonic 4 Part 2 as the title is a PSN and XBL release only at the present time. So it could be Sonic Chronicles, or it could be something completely different. Only time will tell.

You can check out the video on Sonic’s official Facebook page here.