Eville Available Now On PlayStation

Ever get the feeling that you can’t trust the seemingly innocuous people around you? Perhaps you feel the need to lay out a series of elaborate traps in order to keep yourself safe from devious ne’er-do-wells that are conspiring to murder you in the long, lonely nights? In multiplayer social deduction game Eville, that may just be the case! One can never be too paranoid…
Maybe you’re an innocent villager, just trying to go about your days in the least murderous way possible, or maybe you’re a nefarious conspirator, looking to plot and scheme and lie your way to victory – only you will know! Developed by VestGames and published by both VestGames and Versus Evil, Eville is a masterclass in deceit, murder and mayhem! Originally released on the 11th October 2022 for PC, Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One, following its great success Eville has now been made available on the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 from 15th November 2022 – good news for Sony aficionados (myself included).
Eville combines the quick, analytical thinking of imposter games like Among Us, and the cunning tactics you would find in the likes of boardgame One Night Ultimate Werewolf, and morphs them into the dastardly concoction of dishonesty, defamation and deviousness that takes the genre to brand new heights. Team up with a group of 4 to 15 players online, where each of you will be assigned a random role at the beginning of every session. Every character boasts a unique set of skills and attributes to help you unravel the tangled web of ‘whodunnit’. Will you flex your political and noble standing as the Mayor, manipulating votes to remove the implication of guilt? Maybe you will scout out troublemakers as the Detective, using your skills to enter homes and ascertain if the testimonies you receive from the other villagers are true or false? Or perhaps you will spin a despicable tapestry of vilification, casting shadows of doubt on your teammates as the Slanderer?
Eville puts a new spin on social deduction games by letting you have total free-roam of the village, allowing the player to explore and communicate with others as much as they please – and all from a third-person perspective, making the game feel more immersive and fun. But beware, time is limited. Use Eville’s innovative day-and-night cycle mechanic to your advantage. Benefit from the daytime hours by spending your hard-earned copper on trade and upgrades that may just save your life, or occupy your nighttime as the murderer stalks your witless prey, waiting for them to tuck in safely to their beds… or so they think. You will need both good deductive skills as well as intuitive social skills to size up your fellow villagers and work out who could be the malevolent conspirator.
It’s time to don your deerstalker hat and practice that hokey British accent, because mystery is afoot my dear Watsons.
Available now across PC, Xbox and PlayStation, Eville is certainly worth a play – if for no other reason than to prove to your friends that, yes, you can get away with murder!