Legacy: Steel & Sorcery Enters Early Access in February 2025

Notorious Studios has confirmed that the upcoming Extraction-RPG, Legacy: Steel & Sorcery, is set to enter Steam’s Early Access program on 12 February 2025. The team have also shared a new trailer showing how the game is shaping up ahead of the soft launch.
Legacy: Steel & Sorcery is a PvP title set in a fantasy world where gamers team up to take on others in order to gobble up precious loot. Players will be able to roam around vibrant worlds either solo or as part of a team of three as they hunt for supplies and take on enemies.
The purpose of Legacy: Steel & Sorcery is to hunt for supplies defeating up to 23 other players and using them to progress the story, which is remaining under wraps for the time being.
What we do know is that at launch there will be four archetypes to base characters on; Hunter, Priest, Rogue and Warrior. More will be added throughout the Early Access period.
Along with the Extraction gameplay comes RPG elements. While Legacy: Steel & Sorcery isn’t a full blown RPG or MMO, using what players find out in the world and crafting better weaponry, building more secure bases and upgrading armour.
It is expected that Legacy: Steel & Sorcery will be in Early Access for at least 12 months. You can wishlist Legacy: Steel & Sorcery on Steam ahead of its 12 February release.