Possible Wii U launch date?
According to website WiiUDaily.com Nintendo could have possibly pegged the launch date of it’s next console – the Wii U for a 18th November launch in the Americas and landing a week later in Japan. Unfortunately no UK date was gained.
According to the site, they have obtained an email from one of Japan’s biggest game chains – Media Land that touted the Sunday launch date for the new console. This mirrors the original Wii’s launch back in 2006. Nintendo have only officially confirmed a 2012 launch date and are expected to have all of the consoles details including price and launch date by E3 in just over 2 months time.
The date makes sense as most of the big N’s previous home console launches have either taken place in November or March, so even though this is very much a rumour there could be some truth to this.
More news as it breaks.