
Sonic Generations: Greenhill Zone Images

26 April, 2011 - 4:07 pm by
About 1 mins to read

News of Sonic Generations has been coming thick and fast over the last two weeks or so and we at VGN are very excited by this. Sonic Generations promises to mix the time old 2-D style of gameplay with the 3D elements of recent games. This is to celebrate the Hedgehog’s 20th birthday.

Today, SEGA have given us the first look at the Greenhill Zone in the stunning images below. Presumably this will be the first level in the game as was standard in the Mega Drive games. The game lets players play as either Classic Sonic or Modern Sonic. As can be seen by the first two screen shots SEGA show how Sonic has changed in the last 20 years.

When playing as Classic Sonic, players will zip from left to right in an old school adventure, running through massive loop-de-loops and twisty paths. Modern Sonic turns the game into a Sonic Adventure 3-D style by springing and grinding though the same levels in a different dimension. The game is due out this year on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network.