
Sony Suspending PSN only in South Korea though

21 June, 2012 - 1:45 pm by
About 1 mins to read

Sony has decided to suspend the PlayStation Network for the PlayStation 3 and Vita consoles in South Korea while it changes the way under 18s register for the service. The reason for this is that a change of law in the country means under 18s cannot be required to give their real names or ages when they register.

The law is known as the Game Industry Promotion Act. Its main goal is to tackle the problem of excessive games usage amongst some sections of the Korean public. Sony have taken the decision to suspend the Network after they realisation they do not have enough time to change the registration process before the law is instated. The Network will be up once changes have been make.

This only effects South Korea network users. The Network for the rest of the world is unaffected.