Three New Games Announced by EA and Hasbro
The games that are due to be released Monopoly Collection on the Nintnedo Wii, where the player can build up a real estate with classic Monopoly or watch the streets around you grow in Monopoly Streets. Trivial Pursuit Bet You Know on the Nintendo Wii allows you to play in classic Trivial Pursuit mode or show case you knowledge with 7,000 random questions based on all sorts of events from history to up to the minute news and the final game is Family Game Night Fun Pack on the Nintendo Wii and the Xbox 360. This game allows you to play Operation, Jegna, Bop-It, COnnect 4×4, Pictureka, The Game of Life, Clue, Twister, Mouse Trap and Yahztee Hands Down! So just a few games.
This game currently doesn’t have a firm release date but Autumn is likely.