
World Gone Sour published by CAPCOM

11 April, 2012 - 11:38 pm by
About 1 mins to read

World Gone Sour is based on a popular American sweet – Sour Patch Kids in which a terrifying sour mix must find it’s way its ultimate destination – the human stomach. Yes that’s right the aim of the game is to guide a sweet to it’s death. The game will launch on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Marketplace.

Taking on the miniature role of a lost Sour Patch Kid in a world where he must navigate through such levels as a cinema screen floor on to the foyer and other such over sized areas. Enlisting other lost sweets and working through the various puzzles and trying to out run humans while defeating other sweet creations as your lost Sour Patch Kid tries to find it’s inevitable doom.

The sweets are popular American sweets made by Kraft foods, which explains the sheer insanity of the game. However with the clout that comes with CAPCOM, it makes the title all the more interesting. World Gone Sour and will be available on the PSN and Xbox Live Marketplace in 2012. No UK date has been confirmed but look out for it soon!