
Posts Tagged “Ea”

Apex Legends Switch Version Has A Release Date & New Details

22 February, 2021 by

EA’s Free to Play battle royale online shooter Apex Legends finally has a release date of 9th March. The publisher has also advised what to expect for Switch players including all season 8 content and a way of quickly catching up to the console & PC players.

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Knockout City Brings The 5 Ds Of Dodgeball To PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One And PC In May

19 February, 2021 by

EA have announced a new online mulitplayer arena brawler in the form of Knockout City. The developers have taken the game of dodgeball and made it an even more extreme sport. Even Chuck Norris will be proud when it comes to PC, PS4, Switch & Xbox One in May.

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Plants Vs Zombies Battle For Neighborville Complete Edition Is Coming To Nintendo Switch

19 February, 2021 by

What seems like a no-brainer, PopCap Vancouver and EA are brining Plants Vs Zombies: Battle For Neighborville Complete Edition to the Nintendo Switch on 19th March. The game will feature all previous content from the PlayStation & Xbox releases as well as “post launch content”.

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Mass Effect Legendary Edition Gets A New Trailer & 14th May Release Date. Almost All DLC Included

4 February, 2021 by

BioWare & EA have finally given us a look at the remastered Mass Effect Trilogy which will be launching on 14th May across PS4, Xbox One & PC. This package is not just a visual improvement as it includes most DLC but does leave somethings in the past.

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SSX Deadly Descents: Elise Trailer

30 May, 2011 by

The introduction to Elise in SSX Deadly Descents has been revealed by EA. Taking the style of a comic book, it details Elise’s rise to fame and her constant hunt for the next big thrill. It is shown that she is recruited for an unknown mission to bring her back to the piste the ride of her life. Read On

Next Generation Console Fight Hotting UP!

27 May, 2011 by

The next generation console war is already underway. Next month we see the reveal of Nintendo’s project Café, or as we like to call it, the NES HD. Rumours are flooding the internet that development kits for Mircosoft’s NextBox are already with the big gun developers like EA and Rockstar. Now Sony have joined the fray with news that research is underway for what will presumably be called the PlayStation 4. Read On

Mass Effect 3 Screenshots

26 April, 2011 by

Today, EA and BioWare have released a couple of screenshots to the highly anticipated sequel of last year’s Mass Effect 2. The game won countless awards including the BAFTA for Game of The Year. Mass Effect 3 will see Shepard return once again to save the universe and more importantly Earth from evil alien forces in what promises to be an exciting edition to the RPG series.

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 Trailer

21 April, 2011 by

EA and Warner Bros have today announced the final installment of the Harry Potter movie spin offs, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 The Videogame. The game will feature the most epic battle between Harry Potter and He Who Shall Not Be Named. Read On

SSX: Deadly Descent News & Screens

18 April, 2011 by

EA is “reinventing” the SSX series for the latest generation of consoles. Players will explore the story of a team who seek to be the first to descend the faces of the most treacherous mountain ranges on the planet. The team will travel the world to face the worst that Mother Nature can throw at them. Read On

Battlefield 3 Screens

8 April, 2011 by

Coupled with today’s news of a new Battlefield 3 trailer, EA have also released PlayStation 3 & Xbox 360 in-game screenshots. As an added bonus we have also been treated with story board and animation shots. From what can be seen, this game is graphically looking very sharp.

In Battlefield 3, players become the U.S. Marines in a first person shooting game. Missions will span across diverse locations including Paris, Tehran and New York. As bullets whiz by, as walls crumble, as explosions force players to the ground, the battlefield becomes a more terrifying part of the game as ever before!

Due out on the 2nd November, for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, the game is a direct sequel to Battlefield 2 and is the twelfth game in the franchise.